Join us on Zoom for prayer on Tuesdays and Fridays

Our live, interactive prayer services use a liturgy that is divided up into parts or “voices.”  Five minutes before the scheduled service, those who are present volunteer to pray one of the numbered parts (voices).  All are welcome to join us, even if you don’t want to pray out loud.  You can find the liturgies using the buttons below:

hands, open, candle

Noon Prayers Currently in Use


12 pm CST
Advent Prayers at Noon
(using the ancient pattern of a 40-day Advent)

For use until Christmas Eve

12 pm CST
Tuesday Noon Prayers
during Christmas and the Season after the Epiphany

12 pm CST
A Litany for Living into Our Baptism
during Lent

12 pm CST
Prayers at Noon on Tuesdays
during Easter

12 pm CST
Prayers at Noon on Tuesdays

prayers for the upcoming election

12 pm CST
Prayers at Noon on Tuesdays

prayers after an election

12 pm CST
Prayers for the Church
and the Parish

12 pm CST
Prayers at Noon on Tuesdays

Creation Care


12 pm CST
Advent Prayers at Noon

For use until Christmas Eve

12 pm CST
Friday Noon Prayers
during the Season of Christmas
the Season after the Epiphany

For use beginning on Dec 25 and ending on Feb 4

12 pm CST
A Litany for Fridays
during Lent

12 pm CST
Prayers at Noon on Fridays
during Easter

12 pm CST
Prayers of Thanksgiving
during the Season of Easter

12 pm CST
Prayers at Noon on Fridays

prayers for discernment in times of violence

12 pm CST
Prayers at Noon on Fridays
during the Season after Pentecost

(first half of the Season: 
May 24-August 9)

12 pm CST
Prayers at Noon on Fridays

Creation Care

12 pm CST
Prayers at Noon on Fridays
during the Season after Pentecost

(second half of the Season
October 11-October 25)


7 pm CST
end of the day prayers
from the Book of Common Prayer

To join us live, contact the parish administrator for the Zoom meeting ID and password using the link below

Archive of Noon Litanies

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